BSN Program Overview

Kickstart your nursing career at Provo College, bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载在哪里提供护理学学士学位(BSN)课程,而不用担心等待名单. bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载充满活力的BSN计划旨在为您提供在各种bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全环境中脱颖而出的知识和实践技能, 为更广阔的职业机会和更高的收入潜力铺平道路. 成功的毕业生有充分的准备参加NCLEX-RN执照考试和推进他们的护理事业.

Our BSN program is marked by its dynamic, 混合式课程,将在线学习与面对面的课程相结合. bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全的BSN学位为各种bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全环境中的角色打开了大门, including long-term care, critical care, school nursing, home health, and community health nursing.

报名参加bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的BSN计划,发现一个现代护理教育. Please fill out our request form to learn more, bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载的招生代表很快就会联系你. 未来的护理事业在bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全等待着你!

Please read our licensure disclosure.

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Accredited BSN Program

Online Courses

For the Busy Adult

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